Daisy, from the Philippines, is giving everything to achieving her dream of becoming a teacher so she can provide for her family. Be inspired as Daisy shares her story.
Compassion Stories
Daisy, from the Philippines, is giving everything to achieving her dream of becoming a teacher so she can provide for her family. Be inspired as Daisy shares her story.
Compassion Ireland
Compassion Ireland
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"I have five siblings, we’re six all in all. I'm the oldest, so I take care of my younger siblings,” says Daisy. "My home is just one room. My parents and I, and my siblings, sleep together in one small room — we’re like sardines!”
Their home is at risk of flooding when the rain is heavy and the river overflows. Daisy says, “When we experience a flood, and when we don’t have enough food to eat, I feel hopeless. I feel like: am I the only one to experience this?”
Her Compassion tutor, Desirie says, “Being the eldest, I think Daisy has been even more determined to reach her dreams because she was able to see the real situation of her family, and she wanted to help her parents give a better life to her younger siblings.
“Daisy is really amazing, she’s a ray of sunshine. Her energy is just so vibrant, so joyful. It’s just so contagious.”
In the midst of these challenges, Daisy has developed a truly remarkable sense of determination.
“I told my siblings that we need to work really hard for our dreams and goals in life,” she says, recognising that, thanks to support from their local church in partnership with Compassion, they’re being equipped with skills and opportunities that will enable them to overcome poverty.
“I decided to really pursue my education,” she says. It’s not always easy, but, Daisy says, “I just think, Oh, Dais, remember your whys. Remember why you started this dream. Remember why you need to keep on going despite the challenges. So, those ‘whys’ I planted in my heart.”
Daisy is empowered by knowing how much she’s loved by her dad, and by her heavenly Father also.
“My dad brings me to church just riding a bike, despite the heat of the sun, despite the tired feeling. My father loves me so much, that’s why I need to really work hard for my dreams,” she says.
At church, Daisy worship with others and prays for God’s help in overcoming the challenges of poverty.
Her Compassion tutor says, “Being part of a local church is a really big help. Having a family in the church who can constantly remind Daisy that she’ll be able to reach her dreams, through God’s grace and her hard work.”
The church gives Daisy emotional support, but also gives her opportunities to practice the skills she’ll need for her career. “My dream is to become a successful teacher one day,” says Daisy. “I’m hoping and praying that I will get there soon.
“Every Sunday, I’m one of the volunteers. I teach children not just the Word of God but also that poverty is not a hindrance of success.”
Desirie is also looking forward to the day that Daisy will reap the rewards of her determination. She says, “I’d be so proud and I’d be so happy witnessing that day to come and I’m so excited for her.”
You can empower a girl to overcome reach her full potential By sponsoring a girl you’ll provide her with access to education, nutrition and healthcare, support from her local church and encouragement from you as her sponsor.
Compassion Ireland
Compassion Ireland
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