Discover what your sponsored child might be up to this Easter!
Compassion Unpacked
Discover what your sponsored child might be up to this Easter!
Emily Laramy
Compassion UK
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In East Indonesia, Gloria’s Compassion project holds a number of fun races at Easter. This one is a new take on the classic egg and spoon race; it involves holding the spoon in your mouth with a marble balanced on it. It’s harder than it looks!
Children in Colombia take part in an evangelistic Easter parade. The parade is part of a Bible camp run by the project during Holy Week.
In San Paulo, Brazil, Compassion-assisted children will be getting creative with fun Easter art activities. The project staff dress up and hold special classes to talk about the real meaning of Easter.
On Good Friday in El Salvador, young people create beautiful Easter paintings made with sand and sawdust. The roads which have paintings on are closed during the week's events.
In Kenya, Sebastian and his family celebrate Easter by sharing a special meal together. Their meal includes rice, chicken, bread and soft drinks which are a special treat. The family also decorate their home with a wooden cross and palm leaves.
In Haiti, many children spend Good Friday flying kites. As Peterson explains, “Good Friday is one of the rare days that I have the freedom to go out with my friends to play all day long, and also to eat a big meal. We then go to a special service at the church project.”
In Ghana, Leticia and her family wear white to church on Easter Sunday. For Leticia, “Easter assures me of the love God has for me to sacrifice His only son for me. And also that Jesus agreed to die for me because He also loves me.”
This weekend, while not take some time to write to your sponsored child and ask them how they celebrated Easter.
Emily Laramy
Compassion UK
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