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I have a dream

The girl being given the chance to dance.


Compassion Stories

I have a dream

The girl being given the chance to dance.

What did you dream of becoming when you were a child? 11-year-old Mollika from Bangladesh dreams of being a dancer. But when you’re not sure where your next meal is coming from, it can be tough to dream.

Mollika’s father Joseph works as a day labourer and some days, there is no work to be found. Her mother Nebi stays at home to take care of their three children and life is filled with uncertainty. But when Mollika was very young, she was enrolled into her local Compassion project and sponsored. And it was her Compassion project that she was able to take traditional dance classes.


Mollika from Bangladesh smiling

Mollika dancing with friends


“I was so excited to get this opportunity that I signed up for the dance class without my parents’ consent,” said Mollika. Her parents were initially unsure. Her father Joseph says, “At first I thought, ‘What is the use of dance classes when she will not be able to earn any money out of it?’ However, I realised that when I was her age, I too had a dream to become a good football player, but my poverty and my dream did not go hand-in-hand.”

With encouragement from her parents, sponsor and Compassion staff, Mollika began to pursue her dream. She practised regularly and entered into district-level competitions where over the last few years, she has won several awards and cash prizes. As a result of her hard work, Mollika is now aiming for state-level competitions and ultimately, a scholarship to study dance and education.


Mollika standing by chalkboard


None of this would have been possible without the support of her sponsor and her local Compassion project. Sponsorship allows children like Mollika to dream.

We also have a dream at Compassion. We believe in a world where poverty has been defeated, forever. And we believe the most strategic way to beat poverty is one child at a time.

Join us this Compassion Sunday and find a sponsor for a child in poverty. Because when you sponsor a child like Mollika, you are not only giving them a chance to go to school and receive regular health check-ups, you’re giving them a chance to dream. Because you never know just how far that child can go.

A world without poverty. Now that’s a dream worth fighting for.


Find out more about Compassion Sunday

Roz Walsh

Roz Walsh

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