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Mum and child in India

One month on

One month on – a reflection on India by Silas Balraj.


Compassion Unpacked

One month on

One month on – a reflection on India by Silas Balraj.

Today is Easter Saturday. It’s also exactly one month since Compassion closed its operations in India. It’s a bittersweet moment as we reflect on the redemptive and transformational power of Jesus in the midst of sorrow. But there is always hope, the hope that comes from being in relationship with Jesus.

As we continue to pray for India, Silas, Compassion’s Vice President of the Asia Region and former Country Director of India, shares his reflections.

Broken beyond words

“I have been broken beyond words. This has hit me harder than just being a staff member of Compassion, but also seeing my own people suffer this outcome. But the Lord has reminded me through His word from Ecclesiastes 3:14 (NIV) “I know that everything God does will endure forever; nothing can be added to it and nothing taken from it. God does it so that people will fear him.”


While this breaks me as a person, I am deeply affirmed that this is God’s plan and His plan will endure forever. It may not be the way I desire it or pray for it, but His kingdom will endure even in this painful end to 48 years of Compassion’s ministry. Today it may look depressing and disheartening in the eyes of man, but not with God. He is raising for Himself a remnant which is living out Jesus and His commission.

God is writing His story

Life never begins without pain – Good Friday is pain, Easter is life. In everything, God makes all things new. I am assured that as we celebrate the resurrection, we have a Saviour in Jesus Christ, and because He lives His work also lives. Even though Compassion’s programme has closed in India, the seed of mission to children has been sown. And because of the power of His word and the great commission, He will bring forth life even from situations that seem dead (ended) in our human understanding.

Mum and son in India

The work continues, maybe not on Compassion’ terms, but on the Father’s terms to save and care for His precious children. May we not forget that this is His work and He invited us to join Him (John 15:16 “You didn't choose me. I chose you. I appointed you to go and produce lasting fruit, so that the Father will give you whatever you ask for, using my name.”)

I am encouraged by the many actions of the local Indian Church coming together to care for children, showing them that Jesus cares for them, that hope continues. This is an amazing assurance that God is not finished with India. He is starting a new chapter, writing “His story” whether Compassion is in it or not.

Local Indian churches with resources are connecting with the churches impacted by the exit of Compassion. They are stepping into the needs to help provide support, not to the extent that Compassion provided, but to the end that the children continue to enjoy being known and loved.

You are His blessing to generations to come

With all my heart I deeply desire to say “thank you” to sponsors. You have been God’s blessing in starting a movement. Today the programme has been stopped by man (only done with God’s permission). However the movement of children tasting the love of Jesus, families being touched by love from thousands of miles away, assurance and care in the midst of nothingness, is a powerful reminder that you have been used by the Lord to begin this amazing movement.

Today, you may not be able to support as desired, but be assured you are a co-labourer in God’s work. As Paul says in 1 Corinthians 3:10 “By the grace God has given me, I laid a foundation as a wise builder, and someone else is building on it. But each one should build with care.” What you have contributed to has not stopped. Today this building continues under a new chapter, and the assurance is that this chapter, though new, is bring written by the same author – Jesus Christ. Remain blessed dear sponsor, God has and is still using you. You are His blessing to generations to come.”

Compassion International

Compassion International

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