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Share God's Love this Christmas

Sharing God’s love this Christmas

Read how our church partners in Peru are preparing to bless their whole communities


Compassion Stories

Sharing God’s love this Christmas

Read how our church partners in Peru are preparing to bless their whole communities


Joshua Sachay

Joshua Sachay

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In the months leading up to December, church volunteers at Compassion projects across Peru start thinking about how to create beautiful memories for the children they serve at Christmas.

At one project in a small community in northern Peru they’ve already decided that their theme will be: The Perfect Gift.

“We want the children to understand that Christmas isn’t about getting gifts, but about knowing that we already have the best and perfect gift in the life of Jesus, no matter what circumstances we may encounter,” says Sara, the project director.

Sara serves as Project Director

The challenges that families face in this community can feel overwhelming. They lack access to running water, proper health care, and quality education. On top of that, most families are struggling with unemployment.

‘Before we partnered with Compassion, no one celebrated Christmas’

Before the church began to partner with Compassion to serve the children and families in their community, Christmas wasn't something parents looked forward to.

“It used to be very sad,” says Victor, whose child goes along to the project. “We simply couldn’t afford to give our children a gift; we can barely put together a nice meal on that day... But things have changed, thanks to the project. Seeing our children smile now on Christmas is so nice. It’s like taking a weight off our shoulders.”

The church team named their Compassion project ‘To love is to serve’

The church began running their Compassion project five years ago and it’s become a refuge of hope and joy for the 169 children and families they serve. The staff named their project ‘To love is to serve’ and that’s precisely what they do.

The children attend the project twice a week, where they’re loved, seen, and cared for. They have fun, sing songs, eat nutritious food, receive health assistance when they’re sick, get help with their schoolwork, and most importantly, they learn about God.

The children share all they’ve learned with their families, and now many parents have started attending church services on the weekends, where Pastor Jaime passionately preaches God’s Word.

Share God’s love by giving to our Christmas Appeal

Pastor Jamie loves that Compassion enables the community to celebrate Christmas

“We thank Compassion for the social impact we’re seeing in our community. This is an area of extreme poverty. Families usually don’t celebrate Christmas because they’re trying to survive and put food on the table. The celebration the church puts together is important because we bring awareness of the love of Jesus to the families. Christmas is love and salvation; it’s spiritual, and children embrace it with their hearts,” says Pastor Jaime.

As this joyous time approaches, the children can’t stop thinking about it, and their enthusiasm rubs off on everyone around them.

“My favourite part about the project is learning about God and His Word, but also our Christmas celebration. Sometimes we don’t have enough at home, so we don’t get presents, but they always give us something at the project, and that makes us very happy,” says 11-year-old Emanuel.

Emanuel loves Christmas at his Compassion Project

“Every year, we take time to share the Good News with everyone from the community who comes to our celebration event. We share the gospel and extend the invitation to make Jesus their Lord and Saviour. It’s a wonderful opportunity,” says Sara.

“I remember last year some of the mums came up to us at the end of the event and gave us each such a big hug; I think it lasted for a month! It was heartfelt. The faces and joy we see are very rewarding and make it all worth it,” Sara says.

The project is planning lots of activities with the children

“We’re looking forward to doing it again this year and can’t wait to share with the supporters of Compassion after we’ve held our events! We couldn’t do it without the generosity of people who sponsor the children in our community and support Compassion.

“Thank you for helping us create unforgettable moments for all our children.”

Share God’s love by giving to our Christmas Appeal

Joshua Sachay

Joshua Sachay

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