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Girl sweeping in Haiti

“You have to do something for her”

God spoke, Compassion project staff listened and a sponsor extended a helping hand.


Compassion Stories

“You have to do something for her”

God spoke, Compassion project staff listened and a sponsor extended a helping hand.

Compassion project director, Cherestal Girault first saw Nadiane playing with her friends in the dusty streets of Haiti, her undernourished body scarcely covered by threadbare clothes. Cherestal didn’t know her story. He didn’t know where she lived or anything about the family she was born into. But when he looked at her, he heard a clear, quiet voice nudging him - “You have to do something for her.”

Cherestal travelled to Nadiane’s home and her story began to unravel. Nadiane’s mum became pregnant with her at seventeen. Nadiane’s father abandoned them both and Nadiane’s mother was forced to give up her aspirations to finish her education and find a job. With no way to support themselves, the risk of starvation became a cruel reality. Nadiane’s grandmother stepped in to help and sold a piece of her land, providing the family with just enough money for Nadiane’s mother to start a small business. It was a meagre income, but it kept them alive. At four years old, Nadiane was living in a small wooden shack with thirteen other family members. Faced with desperation, dead ends and just enough money to survive, the family believed voodoo practices were the only answer for their future.


Nadiane with her family.

Cherestal vividly remembers the time he stepped inside their home, “When I saw Nadiane I was moved with compassion. I could not help thinking that her future was so uncertain since her parents were financially limited and unable to fulfill their parental responsibilities. There, in her house all I could see was poverty and promiscuity. I wondered how people could live in such a condition. It really touched my heart.”

Just a few days later, Nadiane was enrolled into her local Compassion project. Since then, transformation has shaped her 11-year-old life. She receives nutritious food and safe drinking water. She’s taught hygiene principals, good manners and gets to take part in activities like computer classes and craft lessons, and she has many new friends to play with. All of these opportunities widen her horizons and her vision to serve those around her. Nadiane’s dream is to be a nurse and to care for her family and community.

Haitian sponsored child Nadiane teaches her cousin

Nadiane passing on project lessons to her cousin.

Sponsored girls in Haiti

With her two best friends at the Compassion project.

The most amazing transformation of all has been Nadine’s discovery of a Heavenly Father who loves her and has a perfect purpose just for her, “I am grateful for the many things done for me,” reflects Nadiane, “I would like to serve God more and help my family living in poverty. I would like to bring them all to Jesus”.

“I have no regret having made the decision to enroll Nadiane in the Compassion programme. She is a role model in the project, and does not like to miss her Sunday church services. I am amazed at how her life has been transformed over the years. She is a promising little one and we are committed to assisting her until she became an accomplished adult,” explains Cherestal.

God spoke, Cherestal listened and a sponsor extended a generous helping hand. The impact of these three voices working together will last for eternity. 

Could you lend a helping hand to lift children like Nadiane from poverty? Everyday Compassion gives you everything you need to share the work of Compassion with your church, on a Sunday of your choosing.

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Richard Jefferson

Avena Stanley

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