Here at Compassion, our main aim is to improve the lives of children living in poverty across the world. However, we also strive to be advocates for our children and help to raise awareness of the issues and challenges faced by children in communities most adversely affected by poverty.
Through our resources, magazine, e-news, blog and prayer updates, we help sponsors gain a real insight into what life is like for children living in poverty. We cover all sorts of topics from the major issues facing children such as malnutrition, HIV/Aids and child trafficking to more reflective biblical perspectives on development.
Sponsorship is such a personal way to connect families across the world and is a particularly good way to encourage children to take an interest in the world around them. As they get to know their child through letters, sponsors gain a real insight into another culture and way of life. Many find themselves taking greater notice of what’s happening in the region and country where their sponsored child lives. Without even realising it, their worldview begins to widen.