A period of reflection, Lent is a time we remember the 40 days Jesus spent in the wilderness as he prepared for the cross. As Jesus walked towards Calvary, he walked towards humankind, towards you and me. The outstretching of his arms on the cross is an open invitation into a personal relationship with God.
As we enter into this relationship, we embark upon a journey. With this in mind, our reflections explore what it means to walk with Jesus. Through personal stories, we’re reminded that, as Christians, we aren’t promised an easy time. Instead, as we seek a closer, more intimate relationship with God, we learn to walk in step with Him. We become less reliant on our own strength and learn to trust in God.
We begin with a collection of stories based around the well-known passage in Micah 6:8:
“… what does the Lord require of you, to act justly, love mercy and walk humbly with your God.”
Through this passage, God reveals His concern for the poor and His heart for social justice. Our stories come from some remarkable men and women who are seeking justice in their communities. We discover that, as followers of Christ, we’re called not simply to have concern or pity for those who find themselves in unjust situations, but rather to make personal sacrifices in order to serve the interests and needs of others.
This Lent, we hope and pray that these daily devotions will uplift, inspire and bless you.
Heavenly father, at the start of Lent, open our hearts to the journey you have for us. During this season may we hear your voice leading and guiding us on the path you set before us. Amen