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Beyond Rejection

How the local church is helping to encourage acceptance for people with disabilities in Togo.

Talent and Tenacity: How One Young Woman in Togo is Achieving Her Dreams

Meet Winner from Togo. She’s breaking boundaries in her community by studying engineering. She’s only one of two women in engineering in her class. Read her story and you’ll find out why we’re praising God for her on International Women in Engineering Day and every day. 

Visit the town that cut malaria child deaths to zero

Discover how Compassion is fighting malaria in Togo.

Flooding in southern Togo

Several days of heavy rains has caused flooding in the southern part of Togo late last week, destroying the homes of 27 Compassion sponsored children.

The young African changemakers you need to meet

Be inspired by the next generation bringing change to their families, communities and even nations.

Sponsor a child Compassion Explorers Sponsor a child Compassion Explorers
